So… You know when you get a package, open it, and there are instructions inside (that you wish you didn’t have to go through) to enjoy whatever it is you purchased, or you’re going to eat… Well, converting what you already do and making it self-care is like tossing out those instructions and realizing there is a way to directly and positively affect your mood, mental health, and overall well-being by just doing what you currently take for granted and instead do this… This article describes self-care ideas on how to convert what you already do into self-care.
Self-Care Ideas You Can Try
First, remember that self-care is very much time with yourself yourself, and it is not going to any kind of salon, working out, or putting on makeup. These self-care ideas are part of services, hygiene, and how you show up presentation-wise. Except for exercise, everything else is on the surface and therefore temporary. So let’s try something different.
Next time you are in the shower:
- take 15 seconds longer when shampooing and conditioning by simply using the tips of your fingers and massaging your scalp. Massage to massage and not anymore just for the purpose of cleaning.
- take 15 seconds longer when washing your shoulders, neck and the highest part of your back
- take 15 seconds longer when you’re washing your feet, preferably the moment when you can use soap in your bare hands and massage your feet.
- take 15 seconds longer when you’re out of the shower to work in that lotion and/or sunscreen, as well as a minty or eucalyptus foot cream, and work it through the bottoms of your feet, especially your toes, arches, and everything in between.
Just this alone, all of this, took a total of only one minute! Don’t you think you’re worth a minute? Self-care never has to feel like an added to-do. Implementing these Self-care ideas should not feel like it robs you of time you think, feel, or know you should be doing something else. Time for yourself should be guilt free and is a form of showing your loved ones that you love them too because you want to be at your best to be the best for them.